Don’t Let’s Start

Woke up today with “I don’t want to live in this world anymore” running through my head. This country, this world–all heavy and likely to continue getting worse before getting better. Whatever “better” means in a context where white supremacists are getting away with murder and there are no longer even performative motions toward restraining the power and money grabs of obscenely rich people.

We are getting crunched from all sides and the only possible bright side is that we are now aware that we all live in the same shitty world, well-meaning white liberals and the oppressed people of color who have been disappointed and betrayed by them for years. Yay?

Fire Escape

Summer has arrived particularly abruptly this year and we’re deep into a stretch of 90-degree days after the first two weeks of blue lips and hoodies. We are all filled with gratitude for the pool.

If there’s one thing my physical condition is teaching me, it’s appreciation for the good days. Spending the afternoon floating and chatting and feeling good that evening, no hobbling. When I’m having a good day, we’re all having a good day

Send Me On My Way

This 90s hippy flashback has been in my head all week and today our child’s kindergarten teacher used it in the photo montage of their year together. Not a dry eye in the house.

We celebrated the end of year–and official last day of school–with a classroom party and end-of-year show with the theme of growth. It seems that just the other day we were all gathered for our classroom orientation but here we are. Sent on our way to the world beyond kindergarten.

Johnny Appleseed

The rain has broken, the clouds turned from gray and ominous to white and fluffy, rushing across a clear blue sky. Which is to say, summer has arrived. Spring weather for DC but summer where I grew up. I expect we have one week of beautiful clear weather before the heat. Perfect weather for driving and listening to loud music.

The past few weeks I’ve been letting my iPod play me all its songs in alphabetical order. It’s been trying to do that for years, so I figured why not. What I’ve learned is that the Js are rocking. Also that I almost uniformly like a band’s post-punk projects more than the original stuff. Mescaleros over Clash, Jets to Brazil over Jawbreaker, et cetera. More guitar, less yelling.

It’s summer, comrades!