Head Like A Hole

God Money, I’ll do anything for you.

I know I posted the fun mashup of this last year, but 2017 has zero chill and this is for real now. The lunatic in the White House will kill us all before stepping back from power. Civil servants will resist, the Supreme Court will weigh in, slightly less than half of Congress will rant and rail, and in the meantime people will die.

We will march in the streets and protest at the gates and still people will die. We can be on the side of helping rich people get richer while people die or we can speak and stand against it. There is no other choice left us now, one quarter of the country has plunged us into this. The power of the people must be greater than the people in power if are going to survive.

I’d rather die than give you control.

Love You Madly

Today we are passing a big Mama milestone: my baby is going on a field trip to another city without me. He’s excited and I am excited for him, as this is also a big bravery milestone for him.

I will also be spending the day distracting myself from mentally tracking the timeline of his day. I may or may not have instructed multiple parents to not lose my baby in a very crazy eyes I-will-cut-you kind of way.

The Foggy Dew

Today is my Gran’s 90th birthday. She’s lived two-thirds of her life in Canada and never stopped thinking of herself as Irish before anything. Raised by a single mother in 1930s Wexford who died young, Gran has always embodied independence and a ferocity of spirit.

Never one to romanticize the old country or the Troubles, she lived and breathed her people’s struggle for freedom and self-determination. As a child she had me dancing jigs and singing the old tunes until my English grandfather’s head nearly popped off. From her I learned that people are the heart of any cause and where you’re from lives in you in ways that can never be undone.

Take The Skinheads Bowling / Born In The USA

Apparently being against war, genocide, slavery, police brutality, domestic abuse, shooting up public places, and other forms of violence now means we are supposed to be kind to Nazis. I didn’t get that memo, so after you take them out for ice cream, go ahead and cold cock them.

I won’t judge you and neither will my late grandfather who spent 6 years of his life being paid to kill them.

Climb On (A Back That’s Strong)

Today, I will not be marching downtown in DC as much as I would like to be; I no longer have the physical stamina to be on my feet outside for 6 hours straight. We will join a sister march through town and be with the resistance, today and every day.

Truly, my spirits are struggling but I have a bright shining little face looking to me every day wanting to know where we’re going and what we’re doing. A face that is so determined to work for peace, so fierce in his love of what’s right. I am so afraid of this violent authoritarian societal turn breaking his spirit and crushing the sweetness we love; for now it is he who is keeping us from being broken by it all.

Today, link arms and march in the streets. For peace, for freedom, for justice, for equality, for democracy, for joy, for bodily integrity, for love. Then go home with full hearts and fight.

Another Long One

I have officially passed the Song Of The Day mantle to my old friend Mike, who is is already making our lives so metal it’s sick. Despite my best efforts, I handed in only about 2/3 of the year’s days and my mental radio didn’t get the memo that time’s up. Which is all to say, there may or may not be more songs.

This last night of President Obama, I learned how to knit cables. Who knows what’s coming next? (Besides social scientists, but nobody listens to us anyway.) For now, one more night on planet denial.

I can’t afford to be right no more.